I digress... I've learned a lot about God and my relationship with him in the past year. My mom and aunt Christine (Kiki) have listened as I've shared what I've learned and they also know that I am an absolute bookworm and holidays never pass without a book wrapped in pretty paper. Last Christmas, I had one last gift to open - a big orange book titled "The Handy Religion Answer Book." It was a very thoughtful and exciting gift - and per family tradition, I cracked the front cover to read the hand-written note that is always scribed into gifted books... And tears started to well in my eyes. The note was written in my deceased grandmother's perfect script. I was astonished and confused... She died in August 2007. But I remembered, we have two floor-to-ceiling book shelves filled with her books... old illustration books of Cincinnati, books on architecture, art and cooking (we have such similar interests!) My mom and Kiki had come across this book and knew I would love it.... It was an incredibly special gift.
I've been reading through it the past few days and was reminded of that story. MR is a loyal Catholic young man and is one of few I know my age who attends regularly and is a parishioner, even though he's grown up and moved away from home. I find that very admirable. My other grandmother, with whom I was very close, was Catholic and I always wanted to learn more to be like her. I am a heathen though - lol - I have never been baptised. So I'm learning more about Catholicism as I consider going through RCIA... I have a few good girlfriends who have done it and are doing it now so I am blessed to have them to consult for information as I explore. I'm looking forward to seeing where the Lord and my heart take me... and I'm sure grandma Dolores would be absolutely pleased. (See if you can read the note below.)
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