Constantly fascinated by the world around me. I've got the dreamer's disease... and I believe that a truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

I spend most of my time reading, writing, cooking & planning my life on Post-It notes. Music, wine, food, art & travel are my favorite fuel; spending time well wasted.
I began writing this blog because I think that every day we have something to be celebrated, shared, something that sparks creativity, inspiration & ideation.
Although I'm quite optimistic, I'm more judgmental than I'd like to admit. Here's to overturning assumptions.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

René of the Day // 7.7.11 // Feed the Good

Today I was at my friend Julie's desk after lunch and a Post-It note caught my eye. It said "Feed the Good." Of course I had to ask what it was about... I always post notes of inspiration for myself and Julie and I often connect on things like that. She promised to email me the story behind her memo. And so it goes:

There is an ancient Native American story about an old Cherokee who told his grandson about the battle that goes on within us. "My son," he told him, "Inside every one of us dwells two wolves, one evil, one good. The evil one is angry and jealous, full of regret and arrogance, greed and sorrow, guilt and self-pity. The other is good. He is kind and loving, full of hope and peace, joy and compassion."

The young boy thought about it for a moment. "Which wolf wins?" he asked his grandfather.

The old Cherokee smiled and simply replied, "...the one you feed."


Isn't this so true? When you decide to have a cheerful disposition, it's contagious and your day improves. When you choose to let the evil wolf take over your thoughts and emotions, you'll be successfully miserable. I generally feel that I choose to feed the good - even if people are annoyed by how chipper I am. It's a benefit to ourselves and those around us to feed our hearts and others' with kindness, love, hope, peace, joy and compassion. Now I may have to copy Julie's idea and post it next on my desk :)

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