Constantly fascinated by the world around me. I've got the dreamer's disease... and I believe that a truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

I spend most of my time reading, writing, cooking & planning my life on Post-It notes. Music, wine, food, art & travel are my favorite fuel; spending time well wasted.
I began writing this blog because I think that every day we have something to be celebrated, shared, something that sparks creativity, inspiration & ideation.
Although I'm quite optimistic, I'm more judgmental than I'd like to admit. Here's to overturning assumptions.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

René of the Day // 9.29.11 // Toby Keith

When does his bar open at The Banks? From what I recall, this was not mentioned during his show at Riverbend in Cincinnati but it would have been prime time for marketing it to the local crowd. However, he did play looped footage of Ford commercials during his performance - we get it Toby, you're a truck-drivin' son of a gun who likes to have fun in the hillbilly sun (hey, maybe I could write some lyrics for the ole boy?)

We had a damn good time at the last show of the season at the hill on the river. We filled our lime LaCroix cans with Coronas and squeezed little lime wedges through the aluminum slots and hopped in Michelle's mom's car to head to the concert. The weather report had a pretty bad outlook but we weren't going anywhere. As soon as we got in I visited Julie at the B105 tent and the girls got scooped up by a City Beat photographer so I missed out on that opportunity. Then we ran into one of Mich's co-workers from the zoo - a short, beefy biker dude who was thrilled to buy our first beer and let us take cover under the side of the tent 15 minutes later when black clouds rolled in and a treacherous downpour began. Luckily, Mich's mom had a great golf umbrella - and Sid had a janky mini umbrella from a trip to Europe, so we squished together and stayed relatively dry (except my right arm, see photo below).

We huddled together for most of the show. The rain was on and off and the crowd was rowdy - they created a mudslide on the hill and we had front row action shots. Regardless of the weather, it was a hell of a good show and worth the sick feeling the next morning from standing out in the cold and rain. My favorite songs of the night were "Made in America" and "Shoulda Been a Cowboy" - it's one of MR's fav songs. Mich's mom was so fun and was a wonderful DD; we enjoyed buffalo wing Snyder's pretezel bites on the ride home (if you haven't had them, they're a fantastic snack.) My shit kickers (cowboy boots) are still sitting by my door mat, caked in dried mud. I think that's proof of a great country concert!

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