Constantly fascinated by the world around me. I've got the dreamer's disease... and I believe that a truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

I spend most of my time reading, writing, cooking & planning my life on Post-It notes. Music, wine, food, art & travel are my favorite fuel; spending time well wasted.
I began writing this blog because I think that every day we have something to be celebrated, shared, something that sparks creativity, inspiration & ideation.
Although I'm quite optimistic, I'm more judgmental than I'd like to admit. Here's to overturning assumptions.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

René of the Day // 10.23.11 // Cincinnati Chocolate Festival

This event was a delicious success! The Isaac M. Wise Temple Sisterhood raised $60,000 for this one-day event at the Cintas Center. For only the second year, they've continued to grow and expand tremendously. The first year (2010) was held at the JCC. This year, there was a wait at the door in the first hour because the Cintas Center was at capacity! Next year they're looking toward the Duke Energy Convention Center to house Cincinnati's overflowing chocaholic population.

It was an honor and privelege to donate my time and skills to this cause. What began as volunteering to manage social media and PR efforts blossomed into project management for the website, ads for Cincinnati Magazine, brochure, poster, pamphlet and beyond. The Sisterhood donates all proceeds to local charities that benefit women and children, such as the YMCA Battered Women's Shelter, Children's Hospital, the Freestore Foodbank and more. Makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy inside! :)

It was fun to volunteer in the Kidz Zone the first few hours of the day and then I met up with my parents and niece and Matt's parents and his sister and brother-in-law to enjoy the festivities. My favorite items were the cheese and chocolate from Murray's at Kroger and the mint chocolate chip bread pudding from Bella Luna. I'm not a huge chocolate fan but mint and peanut butter really get me! Despite the crowds, it was great to see friends (thanks Becca & Kristin!) and family there supporting my efforts and the cause.
(Wish I'd taken a photo inside the festival but it was absolutely chaos!)

Kylie and me, before stuffing our faces with chocolate! ;)

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