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Only on the Little Miami River.... |
This has shaped up to be a hell of a summer! I was lucky enough to go canoeing two times in one week earlier this month... Post has been pending pictoral evidence, presented below. On a Tuesday we went canoeing for a work inspiration event and celebration - we had Panera and a few drinks and jumped on the bus with our branded bags, towels, water bottles, coolers and such - and hit the Whitewater River. I'd never been on this river before so it was an exciting new adventure - it's much more shallow and has less surrounding woods than the Little Miami but it was an easy route to relax and have fun along. Julie was my coxswain and she was fabulous, of course. We had a blast cruising down the rapids and stopping at the numerous rock beaches to "play" in the water with co-workers and bronze, as our canoe team name was "License to Chill." One of my favorite parts of the day was when the whole team docked and floated in the water and each person said why they got into "the business." Pretty interesting answers. Perhaps the most fun day of work, ever.
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Cabrew Crew |
Then on Saturday we went cabrewing on the Little Miami with a group of 12. It was a fantastic mix of my friends. Little did I know, MR is no canoeman. As soon as we left the shore, we literally crashed into the other... I got bush-whacked and laughed so hard I cried and couldn't get us out (see photo). We untangled and the a tree brand rest on the bow as evidence then crashed into more rocks under the bridge... we finally got into the center of the river and started floating with the other 5 canoes and again, we began veering towards the banks. I mean, really? After an hour of hilarious bickers (his Southern curses are hilarious - "God dog!" "Shit fire!") and blaming me for our wayward meanderings, I made him trade spots so he pouted in the front and drank beer as I steered us smoothly down the river. Loved hearing everyone's comments about how we didn't have any trouble once we switched places and "didn't he know he had all the control in the back - it wasn't René's fault." HA. I didn't mind - we had more fun this way and I do enjoy rowing. On this trip I learned that if you get in to pee, you must put your arms up and flex (like field goals) to let everyone know what's up - good tip for fellow river waders.
In the middle of the 8-mile trek, MR jumped off a rope swing from the top of a massive tree - if the sun was still shining I would've joined him but I was spent and it was shady... I didn't want to be freezing with a fading buzz at 5:00pm. It looked like a blast and I had to hold my breathe until he came up for air with all limbs in good shape. Of course we brought Mingo, the pink plastic flamingo we stole from Luke's old neighbor before our last canoeing adventure (he flaked out this time because he was hung over - punk) but I don't think he made it into any pictures. It's fair to say I've had my fill of the local waters for the summer but two full days are more than a city girl could ask for!
Thanks to George for capturing all the awesome photos!
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Cruising with MR before he was banned from steering the canoe ;) |
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Action shot of our first crash - laughing so hard I was in tears! |
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