Constantly fascinated by the world around me. I've got the dreamer's disease... and I believe that a truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

I spend most of my time reading, writing, cooking & planning my life on Post-It notes. Music, wine, food, art & travel are my favorite fuel; spending time well wasted.
I began writing this blog because I think that every day we have something to be celebrated, shared, something that sparks creativity, inspiration & ideation.
Although I'm quite optimistic, I'm more judgmental than I'd like to admit. Here's to overturning assumptions.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

René of the Day // 7.1.11 // SHARK TANK!

Slightly embarrassed to say I've lived within 3 minutes of O'Bryonville for nearly 5 years and although I frequent The BonBonerie, Kismet boutique and Bob Ronnecker's Running Spot, I've said for years that I have to go to O'Bryon's Irish Pub and have a "Shark Tank." Voted Best Novelty Cocktail by Cincinnati Magazine, this bucket of booze tastes like a Shirley Temple for adults - I believe it's vodka & Sprite, then the fun part is pouring grenadine into the cup via a small plastic shark - dunuh, duhnuh, dunuh! The red syrup swirls through the ice and looks like a victim has suffered a slow death in your drink. Delicious!

Lindsey mentioned how she missed the way we used to walk about O'Bryonville in college and thought it'd be a great spot for our plans to catch up on Friday night. We sat on the rooftop deck and enjoyed our shank tanks and were joined by Becca, Mark, Julie and Nick - we cheers to him for his birthday and I also cheers to my dad who turned 60 today! Ole man is in Gainesville for the week with his buddies that he grew up with but I called to tell him I bought Florida/Kentucky football tickets for his gift - we're hyped!

It may have taken me a long time to cross this one off of my to-do list but I'm certainly go back for more... I only had one but I hear these things sneak up on you!

The other highlight of our evening was a random goatee-d man who dropped this note in front of Lindsey and walked away... I mean, really, who does that?! If you call the number, leave a comment below! LOL

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